Skin Treatments

Skin Check Brighton, Melbourne

Approximately two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer before the age of 70.

It is always important to monitor your skin and to see a doctor if you notice that a spot has changed or notice anything else that concerns you. Most skin spots are not skin cancer and a lot of anxiety may be avoided by seeking prompt expert advice. Mr David Morgan and his team can assess your skin to determine if there are any potential cancer spots.

The importance of skin surveillance

Ongoing skin surveillance is particularly important for people who have many freckles, moles, or any other form of sunspots, and for those who have previously had some form of skin cancer. For those who have not previously had skin cancer, yearly review is usually all that is required. In these situations, photography can be a particularly useful way of checking for change in skin spots, especially if there are several of them. If you have had a skin cancer removed before, then more frequent check-ups are often recommended. This is to detect any recurrence of the skin cancer in its original location, as well as to detect the appearance of any new skin cancers early in their development. Unfortunately, once you have had one skin cancer you are more likely to develop it again. This is due to the level of sun damage that your skin has obviously already incurred.

The prevalence of skin cancer in Australia

Australia has the highest skin cancer incidence rate in the world; in fact Australians are four times more likely to develop a skin cancer than any other form of cancer. The sooner this cancer can be identified, the easier it is to treat; this is why we recommend visiting our practice for ongoing surveillance. Statistics show that approximately two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer before the age of 70. These stats should be enough to encourage people to seek ongoing assessment; unfortunately the number of people affected by this cancer continues to rise.

Skin Checks and Surveillance Melbourne

During your initial consultation our medical professionals can perform a detailed skin surveillance to potentially help safeguard you against skin cancer. If you would like to know more information, or to book an appointment, please contact us today.